SCP-7084 appears to be of mostly humanoid figure of interstellar origin. It stands tall at around 6'4 with a fairly lean build. It is equipped with razor-sharp canines, used to tear through flesh and even bone. The SCPs pupils act like a cats, constricting upon showing emotions such as anger or annoyance. It can unhinge its jaw, the use of this however has not been determined yet. While its skin surface may look human, its made out of microscopically small, horrendously sharp scales. The SCP is incredibly flexible, its neck vertebrae allow it to turn its head a full 180° and bend backwards with little to no effort. Along its spine runs a line of sharp spikes, presumably made out of bone, which it's able to retract back into its body. Its long, split tongue acts as a sort of gustatory and tactile sense instrument. In order to survive it needs to consume a large amount of food every day. The facility provides █████ and ██████ alike. The SCPs body shows white marks, running along the left side of its chest down his left arm. The origin and function of said marks are currently unknown.SCP-7084 shows signs of enhanced intelligence, easily managing minor and major tasks and tests it is given.Additionally, SCP-7084 is able to break through most materials such as concrete and steel, but gets exhausted quickly, putting it into a weakened state after too much physical exhaustion.SCP-7084 is usually seen moving around on two legs, though its strong thighs allow it to run on all fours as well. It has been noted that the SCP-7084 shows resemblance to SCP-████. Sustained wounds of all kinds heal within a span of 5 hours and its body is able to quickly adapt to temperature and environment changes.SCP-7084 has been observed to change shape frequently, even going as far as stealing the identity of operators, allowing it to blend in. Despite this, it seems to have three (so far discovered) forms that it feels comfortable calling "its own body".SCP-7084 is able to experience almost human-like emotions and mental states, they include annoyance, sadness, anger and to a certain extent even empathy. The SCP is said to be able to manipulate and alter a persons memory and feelings towards it. It's capable of communication in multiple human tongues and its home planets language.SCP-7084 has shown severe homicidal tendencies upon contact with civilians, SCP staff and Class-D Personnel alike and has displayed a remarkable ability to use any item as a weapon.
SCP-7084 was discovered on ██/██/████ as it roamed the streets of █████, ███████. Upon containment and questioning, (see Log 001-024) it revealed to have come from a planet far out of our solar system, although it refused to share how it got here and the name of said planet.SCP-7084 breached containment the first time on ██/██/████ and the second on ██/██/████ (see Incident Report 005 - 011). The facility has yet to determine its current whereabouts and recapture it. It is unsure how much damage it has done so far, its spontaneous outbursts of anger make it unpredictable and immensely dangerous for all residents of whichever town it might stay in.
Special Containment Procedures
SCP-7084 is to be contained in a standard 5x5m Containment Unit.SCP-7084 is to be contained in a 3x3m Containment Unit with a vault door. Cameras for surveillance are to be placed in each corner of the room. Two scientists and two guards are to surveil the SCP at all times, changing in 4 hours shifts. No physical contact is to be made with the SCP.In case of containment breach the area is to be set on lockdown until SCP is back in its unit.⠀
Note to units responsible for containment.
In case of encounter, block SCPs attacks until it is exhausted, then proceed to regular containment measures.
Admin Page
001. MOST IMPORTANTLY. Please note that all of this is a fictive character. The character is not related to its faceclaim or Admin in personality and characteristics. Arion will be strictly in character and nothing he says will reflect Admins or his faceclaims beliefs / personality.This AU is based on the SCP Wiki & Universe. 002. DO NOT INTERACT IF you are under 18, you are any type of -phobic, use fonts, no age visible on your account. Current followers are fine. 003. Do NOT use they / them pronouns on me, and do NOT refer to me as prns. If you are unsure how to use my pronouns, ask me. 004. If I say anything that makes you uncomfortable, or if I make a mistake, please tell me directly, I have a hard time picking up on social cues and take a longer time understanding social topics. 005. If you have questions about any of my mental illnesses and / or struggles, please ask me personally. I don't feel comfortable sharing things about some of them on the timeline. 006. Please use tonetags in serious and joking situations. Mini Admin Info: 20, GMT +2, Neurodivergent
Log #0054 - 08 - 23 - 22
Date and Time: 08/23/2022, 3:29 AM
Location: SCP Facility ███, ██ - D
Context: ???
Present: ???
[ Inaudible ]???: Can you hear this? Is this going through????: If this is going through, my name is █████████, nicknamed "Dante". A Caligo from the planet Caenum. Once this message is found, I will likely have breached the facility.???: I am monarch of another realm, and I will make this world my very own once I escape these manmade chains that bind me.???: Until then, I mourn the death of a thousand winters yet to come.-- end of transcipt.